About Mayfair Personnel

Temporary and permanent staff...

Temporary and permanent jobs...

Training at Mayfair Business College, if you need it...

Mayfair Personnel


Mayfair Personnel provides qualified administrative assistants, accounting clerks, receptionists, bookkeepers and other office support staff for short term or long term staffing solutions. We have been locally owned and operated since 1981.


In 1991 Mayfair Personnel started Mayfair Business College to fill the need for administrative support staff to receive adequate computer training. 

Graduates of Mayfair Business College do not have to work for Mayfair Personnel and employees of Mayfair Personnel do not have to be graduates of Mayfair Business College, however, the two businesses are complementary. 

Two Businesses -- Complementary Services


Staff requests received by Mayfair Personnel keep us informed about current job descriptions and computer skill requirements.  This information helps Mayfair Business College plan and maintain a curriculum that is relevant in the current job market. 


Because the training at Mayfair Business College is so timely, Mayfair graduates often qualify for employment available through Mayfair Personnel.  


Mayfair is  fragrance free.  Please help us accommodate staff, students and clients who are chemically sensitive.  Thank you for not wearing perfume or other scented products.